Did you know that the first ever Fraser Fir Christmas Trees commercially cut in the USA came from North Carolina? The Fraser Firs were cut from Roan Mountain in the Appalachian ranges along the Tennessee border in the 1950's. Carolina Wreath grows trees that can trace their lineage to that noble stock in the Roan Mountains.
The aroma of a fresh Faser Fir wreath is amazing, and when add all the other varieties of Christmas tree that adorn our products, your Christmas comes alive!
Our Fraser Firs have their roots deep in the soil of the historic Blue Ridge Mountains, close to the Blue Ridge Parkway, overlooking the largest mountain in North Carolina. They have the perfect conditions to grow full and strong, and provide the highest quality wreaths available anywhere in the country!
Fresh Fraser Fir wreaths of the Highest Quality, only available from Carolina Wreath!
We offer free delivery to most addresses in the Continental USA. We can also ship to locations outside the USA
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